Watchman Willie Martin Archive

Jeremiah�s Commission

Jeremiah�s Commission is a story that the Judeo-Christian clergy will never teach you; or at least the truth about it. His commission is recorded in Jeremiah 1:10:

�See, I have this day set thee over the (Israel) nations and over the (Israel) kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build, and to plant.� (We inserted the words Israel to show who Jeremiah was to root out and to pull down and to destroy. For many will think this is the nations of the world, and Jeremiah was not sent to all the nations of the world to do this to them, but only to the Israel nations of the world).

This commission breaks down into six phases thusly: (1) To root out; (2) To pull down; (3) To destroy; (4) To throw down; (5) To build; and (6) To plant. You may search all the Bible commentaries, doctinoaries, atlases or encyclopedias on this verse and find next to nothing worth repeating.

Its almost as if the verse didn�t exist, and this commission is probably one of the greatest ever authorized by Yahweh. All the great minds of nominal theology are stymied for an explanation. What few utterances these sources do have to offer are preposterous generalizations which have little, if any, application. It is only in the Israel Truth Message that a satisfactory answer can be found especially on the �building and planting.� All others are helplessly mute on the subject. This among a very few other key verses, the entire Bible stands or falls. If the �building� and �planting� cannot be explained, the Israel identity is a myth as well as all Holy Writ. Without this verse, we might as well quit and join the world order.

To bring you the details surrounding this verse commissioning Jeremiah, we will quote �Destiny Magazine� (Yearbook), May, 1947, the last of a series called �Study In Jeremiah� entitled �Building and Planting,� by Howard Rand, pages 163-165:

�We now come to the most important part of Jeremiah�s mission. It concerns the task God assigned to him to build and to plant. The first part of his mission was carried out in Palestine and finally in Egypt. He was hated by his countrymen because he told them the truth, denouncing their sins and calling upon them to restore righteousness in the nation.

�The Holy Scriptures are silent concerning Jeremiah�s whereabouts after describing his journey to and sojourn in Egypt. But we do know that the Bible records only the fulfillment of the first part of the prophet�s mission: �See, I have this day set thee over the nations and over the kingdoms, to root out, and to pull down, and to destroy, and to throw down, to build and to plant.� (Jeremiah 1:10)

�Jeremiah accomplished in its entirety the destructive phase of his commission and we have every reason to believe God would see to it that he was prepared to accomplish the building and planting for which he was also commissioned. The daughters of Zedekiah became the prophet�s words and because God had promised that His covenant would not be broken with David, that he would never lack a son to reign upon his Throne, the building and planting obviously had to do with preserving this royal branch of the House of David.

DAUGHTERS OF ZELOPHEHAD: When Nebuchadnezzar killed the sons of Zedekiah, allowing his daughters to go free, he did not know of the Israel law. Under a decision rendered by the Lord in the matter of the daughters of Zelophehad, a judgment was incorporated into the Israel Law of Inheritance to provide for the daughters so that they might inherit as though they were males when there were no sons. The case of Zelophehad�s daughters was presented to Moses when they appeared before him and demanded an inheritance in the land, for their father died leaving no sons: �And the Lord spoke unto Moses saying, The daughters of Zelophehad speak right: thou shalt surely give them a possession of an inheritance among their father�s brethren; and thou shalt cause the inheritance of their father to pass unto them.� (Numbers 27:6-7)

�The Judgment was laid down: �And thou shalt speak unto the children of Israel, saying, If a man die, and have no son, then ye shall cause his inheritance to pass unto his daughter. And if he have no daughter, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his brethren. And if he have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his father�s brethren. And if his father have no brethren, then ye shall give his inheritance unto his kinsman that is next to him of his family, and he shall possess it: and it shall be unto the children of Israel a statute of judgment, as the Lord commanded Moses.� (Numbers 27:8-11)

DAUGHTER OF ZEDEKIAH: Zedekiah�s sons were killed so there were no male heirs to the throne. Under the above law a daughter would inherit as though she were a son and the right of descent would pass to her. This fact was evidently unknown to Nebuchadnezzar who thought that in slaying Zedekiah�s sons he had destroyed every heir to the Throne of David. It became Jeremiah�s responsibility to see to it that the Throne of David was established IN THE APPOINTED PLACE.

ESCAPING REMNANT: While Jeremiah prophesied that those who had gone down into Egypt would be destroyed by the sword and famine, he also said, �for none shall return but such as shall escape.� (Jeremiah 44:14)

�At an earlier date, during the time the prophet was experiencing troubles and turmoil in the violent opposition he was meeting from his countrymen, he exclaimed: �Woe is me, my mother, that thou hast borne me a man of strife and a man of contention to the whole earth! I have neither lent on usury, nor men have lent to me on usury; yet every one of them doth curse me.� (Jeremiah 15:10)

�The Lord then said to Jeremiah: �Verily it shall be well with thy remnant; verily I will cause the enemy to entreat thee well in the time of evil and in the time of affliction.� (Jeremiah 15:11)

�UNKNOWN LAND: This statement is followed by the promise that Jeremiah would pass into a land which he did not know. Where was this unknown land to which he was to go? Before answering this question let us review the statements of other prophets. Isaiah tells us of a remnant that was to go forth from Jerusalem and escape from Zion, or whom he says: �And the remnant that is escaped, of the house of Judah, shall again take root downward, and bear fruit upward.� (Isaiah 37:31)

�These promises are entirely overlooked by those who seek to end Jeremiah�s career in Egypt. It is well know that Jeremiah was fully alive to the importance of securing every evidence which might be of value in carrying out his work. He could not begin the building and planting until after the fall of Jerusalem and the dethronement of Zedekiah. This part of the mission must be completed somewhere, evidently SOMEWHERE OTHER THAN PALESTINE or Egypt. He could no more fail to accomplish this, or avoid its deliberate undertaking if he was (Yahweh�s) agent, than he could prevent the preceding and predicted destruction of Jerusalem and Egypt to which he bore testimony.

Long before the days of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, Nathan told David of this place of planting (2 Samuel 7:10; 1 Chronicles 17:9). We have already referred to Jeremiah�s purchase of the title deeds of Anathoth, concealing them prior to his departure from the land. To date this hidden evidence of Jeremiah�s right to Palestine has never been produced, for they were to continue in concealment for many days (Jeremiah 32:14-15), a period which evidently has not yet run out.

�TEA TEPHI: Jeremiah had every means at his command to fulfill his mission, for he was as greatly honored and respected by the King of Babylon as he was persecuted by his countryman, who looked upon him as a traitor. After the capture of the city by the armies of Babylon, Jeremiah could go where he liked and do as he liked, and Bible history traces him to Egypt with the King�s daughters where he vanished from Biblical records.

�The signs of Jeremiah in Egypt are his own writings and the testimony of the Jews, all of which was corroborated by E. Flanders Petrie. Jeremiah disappeared with an escaped remnant from Jewish sight out of Egypt. That he doubtless visited Palestine to complete his work in gathering certain relics to be taken by him to the far country is clear from the record of the things he had with him when he arrived in that far country. Following the disappearance of Jeremiah from Egypt, there appears in western history a man with a group of people who answers in every respect tot he description of Jeremiah and the remnant; who had with them certain valuable possessions. The evidence of all this from Irish history would fill a volume.

�To enumerate a few recorded facts, we have Tea Tephi (whose name means �tender twig�), a Princess from the East, coming to Ireland at this time. She was known as the King�s daughter, and her guardian was the prophet, Ollam Folla. With them was the Urim and Thummin breast plate, or the Jordan Moran, and the Stone of Destiny, or Lia Fail, which accompanied them to this Isle in the sea. The Harp of David hung in Tara�s Halls and the evidence also bears out the claim that the Ark of the Covenant accompanied this remnant to the Isles.

The Irish Chronicles record the fact of the coming of an Eastern Princess. In these chronicles appears an interesting poem purporting to set forth the facts told by the Princess: �We were five that rode upon asses, And five by the mules they led; Whereupon were the things brought forth; From the house of God when we fled; The Stone of Jacob our father; The seat wherein Yahveh dwells; Upon Sacred things whereof the Book of the Prophet tells; And the signs of my father David; On whom was the promise stayed; Bright as the crown of the dawn; Deep as the midnight shade...Upon me was that promise fallen. For me was the Prophet�s toil. He had signed me with David�s signet; Anointed my head with oil; And Barach and he drew near; To set my feet upon Bethel; The stone that is seen this day. That my seed may rest upon it; where�er it is borne away: And its promises be sure beneath them; Strong to uphold their throne; Though the builders cast it aside; It shall never be left alone.�

�PHAREZ and ZARAH: Let us pause here to briefly outline the history of the Zarah branch of Judah�s posterity. Judah had two sons by Tamar, named Pharez and Zarah. When Jacob and his family went down into Egypt Zarah, as yet, had no children. Pharez was accompanied by two sons, Hezron and Hamul. Two sons. Ethan and Zimri, were born to Zarah in Egypt. Ethan profited by the opportunities he received in the land and so did his son Mahol, she also enjoyed the same advantages. Their success won them much fame so that they are named in connection with Solomon whose wisdom did exceed theirs: �And Solomon�s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the wisdom of Egypt, For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about.� (1 Kings 4:30-31)

ZARAH�S AMBITIONS: It seems certain that the family of Zarah aspired to the sceptral honors of Judah but failed to attain their ambitions, and Zarah�s entire household seems to have moved out of Goshen. The three sons of Mahol evidently were schooled in all the wisdom of Egypt as was Moses.

�PROFESSOR C.A.L. TOTTEN STATES: �Where the Sacred Canon (purposely, as we believe) allows the record of Zarah�s line to lapse, there they are blindly taken up and continued by no less than three, perhaps more, independent and widely separated secular colleges of history.

�For if Darda, the Egyptian, son of Zarah, was Dardanus, the Egyptian founder of Troy, and if Chalcol was the Gyptian Cecrops or Niul and the contemporary founder of Athens and Thebes, and if Heman, the brother of Niul, was likewise contemporary Egyptian Agenon who inherited Phoenicia, and Mahol, the son of Zarah and the father of these famous Egyptians, was Scytha, or Fenesia Farsa, the Egyptian ancestor of the Milesians, whose records, full and complete, enable us to blend the whole into one continuous recital down to the present day, surely we have means at hand in Trojan, Grecian and Milesian sources to continue out of the record of the Sacred Chronicles, and lend them greater reverence as we come to understand and prize them at their worth!

�And it is just this claim that we now advance for by rescuing this fragmentary reference to Zarah�s line, found in 1 Kings 4:30-31, from the ignorance and misconception with which all former generations seem to have treated it, and by reading in it a clear and intentional reference to the famous Heroes of Secular History, to the founders of Phoenicia, Grecia, Troy, and the Milesians, and indirectly to Rome, the child of Troy, to Carthage and to the Brigantes of Hispania, we place in the hands of our race, and before their opened eyes the peer of the Rosetta Stone itself.� (The Secret of History, pages 164-166)

�JEREMIAH IN IRELAND: There are two distinct phases to the Hebrew story concerning Ireland. One deals with the Milesian records, the history of which line originated in Egypt and Palestine, while the other line concerns Jeremiah and the King�s daughters, one of whom married Eochaidh, the Heremonn of the line of Zarah, upon her arrival with the Prophet in Ireland.�

Here we will deviate a little to relate the following information to you: On pages 16 to 21 of, � The History of the Jews in Great Britain,� Dr. Moses Margoliouth, 1846, Pastor Margoliouth comments on this Hebrew‑Phoenician connection with ancient Britain, and says, "...the conclusion is inevitable, the Israelites must have visited the western countries in the days of Solomon." (see also page 31)

Israel and Phoenicia both spoke the same language in ancient times, but since the nation of Israel far outnumbered the Phoenicians, it is obvious that most "Phoenician" colonization was in reality Israelite. An excellent and authoritative discussion of this subject is covered in Stephen M. Collins recent book, "The Ten Tribes of Israel...Found!"

Pastor Margoliouth sums up this issue well in saying, "I see no reason for disbelieving that there were [Israelites] in Spain in the time of David and Solomon ‑ startling as it may appear...there existed colonies of Hebrews all over the world, in the reigns of David and Solomon..." (page 30)

�All the authorities agree in stating the following facts that at this time (583 B.C.) A �notable man,� an �important personage,� a patriarch, a saint, an essentially important one, according to the various ways of putting it, came to Ulster, the most northern province of Ireland, accompanied by a princess, the daughter of an eastern king; and that in company with them was Simon Brach, Breck, Barech, Berach, as it is differently spelled; and that this royal party brought with them many remarkable things. Among these were the harp, the ark and a wonderful stone called Lia Fail, or stone of destiny.

�THE CORONATION CEREMONY: Just as this time as Jeremiah, with the King�s daughter, his ward, arrived in Ireland, a ceremony was taking place. Under the laws of Ireland, and according to the ritual of Druidism, Eochaidh, the Heremonn, a Prince of the Tuatha de Danaans on his mother�s side and a direct descendant also of Fenesia Farsa, and thus of the line of Zarah, twin brother of Pharez of the Royal House of Judah, was about to receive national recognition as the �crown Horseman� of the four principalities of Ireland.


�SCHOOL OF THE PROPHETS: The Eastern Princess married Eochaidh, the Heremonn, upon a condition made by this notable patriarch that the Heremonn should abandon his former religion and build a college for the prophets. This he did, and the name of the school was Mur-Ollam, which is the name in both Hebrew and Irish for the school of the prophets.

�YEAR OF JEREMIAH�S ARRIVAL: Mr. Thomas W. Plant in his article �The Date of Jeremiah�s Arrival in Ireland, Destiny for March, 1938, refers to his visit at Glastonbury, in the summer of 1935 when the subject of Jeremiah�s arrival in Ireland came up for discussion. He was asked by Mr. George Dansle of Bristol if he was interested in the discerpherment of hieroglyphics. He was then shown a jumble of lines, circles, dots and spirals.

�Later, in a letter to Mr. Plant, Mr. Dansle wrote: �These are the particulars that I gave you, when at Glastonbury, of the carved stone in the tomb of Ollam Fodhla, which is in Schiabhna-Cailiche, near Old Castle, Co. Meath, Ireland. It shows a Lunar Eclipse, in the constellation of Taurus, also a conjunction of the planets Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo. The prow of a ship is shown in the center, with five lines indicating the number of passengers it carried. On the left a part of the ship, which might be the stern, is shown and only four passengers, one having been left behind or lost as indicated by the line falling away from the ship. The wavy lines indicate the passage of the ship across the ocean, terminating at a central point on an island.

�Ollam Fodhla having been identified as Jeremiah, this stone would be a record of his journey from Egypt to Ireland, having in his care the two daughters of Zedekiah, and his scribe or secretary, Baruch, and probably an attendant for the two Princesses. (The fifth passenger might have been Ebed-melech, the Thiopian). One of the Princesses appears to have been left at a country en route.

�The date of arrival according to the necessary stellar calculations made by an expert, V.E. Robson (a friend of Mr. Dansle), being Thursday 16th October, 583 B.C. At this date there was an eclipse of the moon in the constellation of Taurus, and a conjunction to within 10 degrees of Saturn and Jupiter in Virgo. The bird at the top may be a representation of Ezekiel�s eagle which carried the tender twig to a mountain (nation) in Israel.

�I believe the date of departure from Egypt was stated by Rev. W.M.H. Milner in an article or book, I cannot remember which, to be 584 B.C. At any rate, Mr. W. Campbell, writing in 1914, states that Jeremiah arrived in Ireland 230 years before the death of King Cimboath, which was in 353 B.C., and that, added to 230 years, gives us 583 B.C.� (Northern British-Israel Review, Vol. 4, p. 171)

�EOCHAIDH, THE HEREMONN: Eochaidh, the Heremonn, changed the name of the capital city, Lothair, (sometimes spelled Cothair Croffin) to that of Tara. It is a well known fact that the Royal Arms of Israel is the harp of David. Further, the crown which was worn by the sovereigns of that hitherto unaccounted for kingdom of Ireland had twelve points. Who shall say that �the King�s daughter� was not planted there and that the first of the three of Ezekiel�s overturns was not accomplished in the removal of the Royal line of David from Palestine to Ireland?

�STONE OF DESTINY: Because their King had passed on before them to the unknown country into which Israel was later to be regathered, Hosea declares of them: �For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a King, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim.� (Hosea 3:4)

�The marginal rendering of �without an image� is �without a standing pillar� while Young�s Analytical Concordance gives other definitions, i.e., �memorial stone, and pillar.� Scholarly men who have investigated this passage in connection with its context give a correct rendering as �pillar rock and pillar stone.� Jeremiah journeyed from Egypt with this stone in his possession, and the other sacred emblems, and first landed in Spain from whence he sailed to Ireland according to the records. Beginning with Eochaidh, the Heremonn, and his young bride, Tea Tephi, who were crowned on this stone in Ireland, their descendants in succession were crowned on this stone of destiny. The ancient kings of both the Danaan and Milesian races (being the same people) were for many ages crowned at Tara. This stone was sent to Scotland about 350 B.C., for the coronation of Fergus, King of Scots, who was a descendant of the Milesian Kings of Ireland. For many centuries this stone was used by the Scottish Kings in their coronation and was kept in the Abby of Scone. This removal of the stone from Ireland to Scotland was its second overturn. (Ezekiel 21:27)

�In 1297 A.D., when King Edward I invaded Scotland, the stone was taken to England and was placed in Westminister Abbey where it remained to this day. This removal from Scotland to England was the third and final overturn!� (NOTE: It has recently been returned to Edinburgh Castle in Scotland).

As you can see, the nation of Judah in Palestine (not the tribes of Judah, Benjamin and part of Levi) but the so-called nation of the bad fig, Cain-Satanic-Edomite-Canaanite �Jews� was shattered forever, never again to be reestablished as a Royal House. This �broken bottle� nation of the �Jews� is no HISTORY, IT IS IN THE PAST!!!


In the Coronation Chair in Westminster Abbey in

London is an oblong block of sandstone, upon which all of England�s kings have been crowned for several centuries‑‑and before that, the kings of Scotland, and before them the kings of Ireland. This is another bit of evidence of the identity of the Anglo‑Saxon people as the Israel of the Bible, and that the House of David still rules over them.

The history of this stone begins in the 28th chapter of Genesis, where we read that Jacob camped overnight in a field, and for his pillow used a stone with his folded cloak over it. During the night, God appeared to him in a vision, and promised to give him the Land of Canaan.

When Jacob awoke, he said,

�this is the house of God,�

and named the place Beth‑el, meaning �House of God.�

Then he took the stone he had used as his pillow and set it up as a monument, and dedicated it with an offering of oil. He promised that, if God would help him,

�then shall the Lord be my God: and this stone which I have set for a monument shall be God�s house.�

In Genesis 34, God instructs him to go back to Bethel and set up an altar to God, which Jacob did. It was at this time that God changed Jacob�s name to Israel; and Israel again set up and dedicated as a monument of witness the stone pillar which he had dedicated as �God�s house.� Its sacred character was now firmly established.

We next find mention of it in Genesis 49, when the aged Israel, before he dies, tells his 12 sons what will befall their respective descendants in the last days. Speaking of Joseph, he says,

�From thence is the shepherd of the Stone of Israel.�

We should, therefore, expect to find the Stone in custody of the sons of Joseph in the last days. The English are the Tribe of Ephraim, descended from one of Joseph�s sons. Its sacred character having been established, the stone would not be thereafter abandoned.

We next hear of it when the Children of Israel, in their exodus from Egypt, were facing death by thirst in the desert. God instructed Moses,

�I will stand before thee there upon the rock in Horeb; and thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink�;

thus they were saved from death. This miracle was repeated later, but this time Moses was instructed merely to speak to the rock, not strike it; because Moses disobeyed God and hit the rock in a �grandstand play� before the people, he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land.

We must not think that this rock was merely the native rock cliffs of these desert places, for in 1 Corinthians 10:1‑4, Paul says

�all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea...and did all drink the same spiritual drink, for they drank of that spiritual Rock THAT FOLLOWED THEM, and that Rock was Christ.�

That is, they were given water to drink from a rock which was carried along with them; and as Israel had said,

�this stone which I have set up for a monument shall be God�s house,�

so Christ hallowed it with His presence.

After Joshua had conquered the Promised Land and divided it among the 12 Tribes, he reminded them that they must ever be loyal to God, and he set up a stone as a monument of witness to this warning; the Hebrew says he took �the stone of greatness;� and what would that be, or what more fitting witness could there be, but the stone which was �God�s house?�

Before God ever allowed Israel to have a king, the rebel Abimelech had himself crowned king beside this pillar or monument (Judges 9:6). Later, when the lawful monarchy was established in the House of David, we find it was the custom that the king be crowned standing by the �pillar� or monument, for we read in 2 Kings 11:12‑14,

�And he brought forth the king�s son and put the crown upon him, and gave him the testimony; and they made him king, and anointed him; and they clapped their hands and said, God save the king. And when Athaliah heard the noise of the guard and of the people, she came to the people into the Temple of the Lord. And when she looked, behold, the king stood by a pillar, as the manner was and the princes and the trumpeters by the king, and all the people of the land rejoiced. �

�The Stone had become a sacred relic, A WITNESS OF THE MUTUAL PROMISES OF GOD AND OF THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. It would be found close to the Temple and the throne. Upon the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar, 2 Maccabees 2:4‑8 says that ancient records stated that Jeremiah had taken the Ark of the Covenant and the Tabernacle and had hidden them in a cave on Mount Nebo.

�It was also contained in the same writing, that the prophet, being warned of God, commanded the tabernacle and the ark to go with him, as he went forth into the mountain, where Moses climbed up, and saw the heritage of God. And when Jeremy came thither, he found an hollow cave, wherein he laid the tabernacle, and the ark, and the altar of incense, and so stopped the door. And some of those that followed him came to mark the way, but they could not find it. Which when Jeremy perceived, he blamed them, saying, As for that place, it shall be unknown until the time that God gather his people again together, and receive them unto mercy.� (2 Maccabees 2:4‑8)

While 1 Samuel 4‑5 records the capture of the Ark by the Philistines, and its return, there is no mention of it being taken by the Babylonians, so the ancient record of the Ark being hidden must be correct. Along with the Ark, we may be sure that Jeremiah would also safely hide the sacred Witness Stone, �God�s house,� which had twice been used to give water to the people to save them from death, and which was now used in the coronation of the kings.

When I spoke to you on �What Jeremiah Planted,� I told you how Jeremiah and the daughters of the last King of Judah, Zedekiah, were taken to Egypt with the refugees; but in order to fulfill God�s prophecy that Jeremiah was also �to build and to plant,� Jeremiah had to leave Egypt and take the princess to where another Israelite kingdom was then in existence; in Ireland. We know that with Jeremiah went Baruch, his scribe, and the king�s daughter; and with the princess, he would also certainly take the hidden Stone upon which the kings were crowned.

The ancient Irish records record the coming of �the Great Prophet,� �Brugh� his scribe (obviously Baruch), and the daughter of a king, about 583 B.C., which would be the correct date; and that with them they brought the �Wonderful Stone,� or �Stone of Destiny.�

In one of our congregations is a woman whose family genealogy shows that one of their ancestors came to Ireland with Jeremiah, and that this ancestor�s duty was that of custodian of the Stone Tea Tephi, the king�s daughter, married Eochaidh the Heremon, or Chief King, of Ireland. The stone, called �Lia Fail� or �Stone of Destiny� was kept at the capital city of Tara for some three centuries, and all the kings, descendants of Eochaidh and Tea Tephi, were crowned on it.

Then, about 350 B.C., it was sent to Scotland for the coronation of Fergus, King of Scots, who was a descendant of the Milesian Kings of Ireland. It remained in Scotland, and all Scottish kings were� crowned on it, until 1297 A.D. when King Edward I of England invaded Scotland and captured the Stone, which he took to England, where it was placed in Westminster Abbey, its home ever since that date.

It was built into the Coronation Chair, the oldest piece of furniture in England still serving its original purpose, and all English kings have been crowned on it ever since. Its origin was well known during the entire time it has been in the British Isles, and from practically the first it was called �Jacob�s Stone. � William of Rislanger, writing in the 13th century, records the coronation of John de Baliol as King of Scotland in the year 1292 �upon the stone upon which Jacob placed his head. �

While the ten‑tribed nation of Israel had to �abide many days without a king� as God prophesied in Hosea 3: 4, yet there must always be a royal family of David�s line on the throne over some Israelite people, for God promised through Jeremiah 33:17 that

�David shall never lack a man to sit upon the throne of the House of Israel.�

We know that Eochaidh the Heremon was of the Milesian line of Kings of Ireland, and that the Milesians in Ireland were descendants of Zarah, a son of Judah; and that Tea Tephi was a descendant of David, who was also of the Royal Tribe of Judah through Judah�s son, Pharez.

So the two royal lines of Judah were united with the marriage of Eochaidh and Tea Tephi, and a descendant of David was always on the throne over Israelite people, as God had promised.

The Ark of the Covenant belonged in the Temple; and the Temple was not to be a continuous institution like the Throne of David; so it is not surprising that the Ark has disappeared from history, and probably will not be revealed again until Jesus Christ returns to reign upon the Throne of David, as is prophesied in Isaiah 9:7.

But the Throne was to be a continuous throne (Jeremiah 33:17); therefore, it is only logical that the Coronation Stone, which the Hebrews had called �The Stone of Majesty� and �The Pillar of Witness,� should be found where the Throne of David had its continued existence. After all, it was �The Pillar of Witness� for it had been made witness to both Israel�s promise to be God�s People and God�s promise to be their God.

It should be there, as a witness that God always makes good His promises, and �David shall never lack a man to sit upon the Throne of the House of Israel.� (The Stone of Destiny, by Dr. Bertrand Comparet)


Subsequent to the time when Dr. Comparet delivered the foregoing address, Mr. E. Raymond Capt, author of �The Glory of the Stars,� �Great Pyramid Decoded,� and other writings, stated that new evidence, recently discovered, indicates that the transfer of the throne of David from Palestine to Europe may have been accomplished in a different manner than what is commonly believed. According to the older tradition, the daughters of Zedekiah were Tamar Tephi (known to her family and friends as Tea Tephi or Tea), and her younger sister, Scota; and this Tamar or Tea Tephi, was married to Eochaidh in Ireland.

The new evidence mentioned by Mr. Capt is discussed on pages 64‑65 of his book, �King Solomon�s Temple,� in which he quotes Ezekiel 17:22, which� says:

�Thus saith the Lord God; I will also take of the highest branch of the high cedar, and will set it; I will crop off from the top of his young twigs a tender one, and will plant it upon an high mountain and eminent.�

Mr. Capt then says:

�This was fulfilled when Scota, King Zedekiah�s daughter (the tender twig), was taken to Egypt by Jeremiah and then to Spain where she married �ane Greyk callit Gathelus, son of Cecrops of Athens, King

of Argives�� (The Chronicles of Scotland by Hector

Boece). In due time a son was born and was named �Eochaidh� (Eremhon or King).

�There is a tradition that when Jeremiah brought Scota to Spain, he also brought the �stone� upon which Jacob laid his head, at Bethel, when he had the vision of a ladder extending to heaven (Genesis 28:12‑19). This, was the �stone� used as a Coronation Stone in Solomon�s Temple. Second Kings 11:11‑14 tells of the anointing of a king, after which all the men around the king �clapped their hands� and said, �God save the King� while �the king stood by a pillar, as the manner was, and the princes and the trumpeters by the kin .�

From the �Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters,� we find the following statement: �Tea, the daughter of Loghaldh, son of Ith, whom Eremhon married in Spain was the Tea who requested of Eremhon a choice hill as her dowery, in whatever place she should select it, that she might be interred therein. The hill she selected was Druim‑caein, i.e. Teamhair (in Ireland). (Annals of the Kingdom of Ireland by the Four Masters, Vol. 1, pg. 31).

�This is only one of many historical records that place, not only Tea in Ireland, but her husband Eochaidh, �the Heremon� (chief or King). At this same time there appeared, with Eochaidh (brought by Dedannans and set up at Tara as the inauguration stone of Irish Kings (Encyclopedia Britannica 14th ed.) a stone of red sandstone, a type found in Palestine. It had iron rings fastened at each end which could have been used for porter poles. The stone became known by the name �Lia Fail� and �Stone of Destiny.� It is not unlikely that Jacob�s Stone and the �Stone of Destiny� were one and the same. �

By whatever course the throne of David may have been carried to Europe, it is nevertheless a fact that it was eventually transferred to Ireland, then Scotland, and then England.

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